Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dirty Socks~

Shasta Daisies are cheery and easy to grow. They are a perrenial and come back all on their own without any effort from me and Shasta Daisies smell like dirty socks. To me. After this season I'm moving these girls to the back corner of our yard where I don't have to come in to contact with them and smell them.


MamaZuzi said...

That's funny! We have daisies that were put in by the previous owner and come up no matter what - not sure if they are shastas. I've been thinking of moving everything I don't love and that grows easily to our side yard that is pathetic, gets little sun and we pretty much never see!

MamaZuzi said...

Hey want to pick a night next week (maybe Wednesday or Thursday) to meet up after work and knit or crochet (maybe at McMenamin's or somewhere else fun)? If so, I'd have to meet you all about 6:00 or 5:30 pm and we'd need to invite Karen etc.

Anonymous said...

Either day works for me. I'd love to! You'll teach me to knit? If you're not up to it, I can crochet something.

kbeeps said...

Next week's bad for me - Wednesday is the 4th of July and Thursday I think I'm taking the day off to help my brother move...

But you two go on ahead without me!

mushroommeadows said...

How can something so beautiful be so stinky? :(

Anonymous said...

Beautiful :)