Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July~

Started out the weekend with evening swimming, at the local pool, to try and beat the heat. Friends were involved.

Oregon is so beautiful everywhere, even at the pool.

We went to a 4th of July parade which is one block from our house. That's a must every year.
Then a drive out to Sauvie's Island to pick blueberries. Most of the crop isn't ripe yet but there were still plenty to pick. More trips planned next weekend and then again the following weekend. All should be ripe by then. Need to freeze some for the winter months when they are scarce. Some tasting, while picking, was involved.
Dahlia cuttting at the blueberry farm too. Always love to come home with a bouquet.Then another evening parade in the little town of Vernonia then evening fireworks there. Man they put on a great display for such a little town. So close up too. Hope your 4th was a good one~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely photos! Hope you're having a happy holiday weekend!