Thursday, October 8, 2009


The day had promise of being a beauty. I knew it would be better than yesterday. The boy was sick and running a fever when he woke up. 102 degrees. There was crying because he wanted perfect attendance. He was hopeful and thought he'd feel better if he got dressed and tried. But a fever is a fever and he couldn't go to school and get everyone else sick. So he cried again. Yep, he was sick. He doesn't do sick. But I don't think the male species does at any age.
Ibuprofen kicked in yesterday long enough for him to have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich.
I wasn't above bribing him, for a smile, with some fresh chocolate chip cookies. It worked.
It was a sunny day today. Really bright out but even with that, the Fall light is here and shouts that we are definitely in Fall. I love the color of the season. Making saying goodbye to Summer a pleasant parting. Welcoming the Fall smells, sights, colors and crispness. Love it!

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