Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Just Another Day~~

1. My girl has had a sore throat since Christmas morning and this evening she broke out in hives. What's up with that? Looks like it's the doctors tomorrow.

2. Tommy (21) brought his ex-girlfriend over for a visit. It was fun seeing her and she commented to Ben (7) on how much he had grown. Ben- "That's what happens when you stay away so long."

3. Tommy came over to show me how to set up, download and upload my new iPod. (Christmas present from Tommy) Yeah-- I'll be groovin at work tomorrow.....Grrr that I had to have Tommy come help me because I wasn't able to figure it out myself. I think he's a wiz since he doesn't have to read any directions for anything electronic & just knows how to do it YET... makes me feel old and incapable. I'll get over it.

4. Made these cute little trees tonight that I wanted to try but hadn't had time to do. They are so, so cute. I did 6 so far and I think I'm hooked.

5. My neice is getting married Saturday so we area off to Bend on Friday. Tomorrow...hem Ben's pants for the wedding(should have been doing all this instead of trees but.. oh well), pack, finish picking up so we'll come home to a clean house, take some more of my craft stuff (it over flowed up the stairs and into my room and has taken over) down to my craft room, take Maya to the doctor (maybe we won't be going to Bend), work my required 8 hours, go buy a blouse & shoes for the wedding.....breathe.

6. Praise God that I don't have to do this all on my own. He is my PEACE!!!

1 comment:

The Alt Martha said...

The sign of a true crafter...sick kid, post holiday clutter filled house, impending social engagement and yet ya gotta craft! I hear ya sister!