Thursday, January 4, 2007

Trees, Trees, Trees~~~

Picture of the trees I'd been wanting to make but didn't get a chance before Christmas. Jesse wants me to make enough to take up the whole mantel. Different materials, sizes... fat skinny, tall, short. He doesn't ever comment much on my crafts but he really liked these so since he's interested how can I say no? Blog hoppin found this wonderful site and these adorable trees. Site belongs to Stephanie and she made a Flickr group just for all the trees that have been created from her idea. Such talented people out there!!! Ben (7) made the small one with the star. He cut out the pattern & material, sewed up the seam and stuffed it once I put the bottom on. He takes it to his room every night to be in his room while he sleeps. He's very proud of his accomplishment.

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