Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I'm feelin it~~

So many posts lately about spring fever and I'm feelin it too. The sun comes out and you realize how much you've been missing it. When we were moving up here our family and friends said, "do you know how much it rains up in Oregon?" There are times that I tease them and ask them why didn't they warn us about how much it rains up here and that we may be coming home on a wave.

Being from the CA beach I do miss them so very much. The coast here is so rugged and beautiful in its own right but there's something about Southern California beaches that I long for. The smells, the feel of the air, the sounds and just the atmosphere. I never fail to bring up the memory of what it feels like to walk on the beach at sunset in the middle of summer. The feeling of salt water stuck to your skin after all day of being in the ocean and the feeling of the heat coming off the sand. I can go back there in a heart beat.

I can honestly say the rain hasn't affected us as most thought it would and we've appreciated the change in season's and the natural beauty that comes with so much rain. I go back to visit CA and I see how dry it is as if I'm seeing it for the first time. I don't remember it being so dry! Nothing grows unless you water it. Actually the weeds grow quite fine without the water. Ha.

Well, I'm still loving Oregon but really looking forward to Spring. Looking forward to planting flowers and some sunshine and it better be sunny when we're in CA in a week or so!!! I need to dry out some.


MamaZuzi said...

As you know... I'm feeling it too. Too bad it is raining this morning. If I didn't have to be parent helper at preschool maybe being stuck inside would help me finish my bookmarks and all the card orders I suddenly have! :-)

Anonymous said...

Have a great day. I saw all the orders that were placed~~Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Norma for visiting my new blog and leaving your comment. The crocusses are beautiful, we are just coming into Autumn here in West Australia and it is 42 degrees F outside. Wow, i cant even make it to the post box!