Thursday, July 5, 2007


I thought this would be a hard color to find around this household but I had bits of it. Bits that I really love.
Some husbands bring home flowers to their wives... my man brings me bouncy balls. I gathered all the orange ones in an orangish bowl.

Keens. These are the only shoes, at this point in my life, that don't cause my right heel to hurt. What's up with that? It's summer, finally, and now I can't wear any of my sandals or flips unless I'm willing to put up with some pain. I may have buy another pair. These are THE.MOST. comfortable shoes I have ever owned. I love these babies.

Three Japanese plates that are hand painted with these sweet, simple, serene settings. Thrifted from Goodwill for 2.99.

I usually have a glass of ice in hand at any given time of day. I just love to eat it all day long. Today's ice is in an orange cup in honor of Thursday's color.


Anonymous said...

love the bouncy balls!

Anonymous said...

I love your oranges. Its my favorite color :)

The Alt Martha said...

I love the comment about your man bringing home bouncy balls! That and chicks! I've said it before...and I'm saying it need to clone that man!

Sorry your feet hurt. Try some "green toe" shoes by Simple. They are my current favorite!