Monday, February 19, 2007

Snow Bird~~

An ATC for a lottery with the theme of Snow Bird.


MamaZuzi said...

That's beautiful... where do you get all your goodies ... such as where did you find the pic and then the other chatckes (if that's a word)?

Anonymous said...

The photo is from a woman who shares old photos and I just printed it from there.

The snowflakes I bought from an on-line store.

The rick-rack I had from my sewing supplies and the brown back ground paper is just scrapbooking paper you can buy at any craft store. The little blue dove is traced from a template I had in a book on how to make gift cards.

All the supplies can be bought at any craft store. The images can be scanned from your own originals or on-line resources. A lot of these artists buy old photos then make a copy and alter the copy for art but keep the original intact for copying to do other projects. You can also find little embellishments at garage sales, Goodwill or in your own junk drawer. The charm is from a wedding invitation I had received.

Are you feeling better?