Saturday, June 19, 2010

five senses friday on Saturday

I've been up since 5:15 am. On a Saturday no less. How come I can't sleep in on a weekend? I've already had 5 cups of coffee, read my Bible, posted new items to my Etsy shop, took my husband gas because he ran out (LOL) and its still so early. I still have the whole day ahead of me and I feel like I've already had a full day.

Today I read Psalm 112. Verse that has me thinking and so grateful. Ps 112:4 "Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man."

I'm playing along with abby for five senses Friday. Of course I'm a day late but I'm living on the edge and marching to my own drum~

Feeling~ The urge to make new cafe curtains for the kitchen and do some crafting. Also the need to clean kids rooms. Gave them a pep talk last night. Feeling the need too for no complaining while we clean. Please God!

Smelling~ Lavender cut from the yard.

Seeing~ Said lavender. It's so pretty and reminds me of scenes from Pride & Prejudice when the sisters are bunching flowers together and hanging them up to dry. I have my bunches together and now they are hanging on one long string.

Hearing~ Feist CD that I got from the library. Loving!

Tasting~ Coffee and Frosted Mini-Wheat's. Gotta love cold cereal***

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